Sofia Municipality and Sofia Development Association are pleased to invite you to an Information Day about INNOAIR project.

The event will take place in the framework of the European Mobility Week, on Thursday, September 22, the Car-free day.

If you are interested to see the new electric minibuses bought through the project, and the mobile application BUSINN with which you can order and use the innovative service “on-demand public transport”, you are welcome! You can view the buses in Gurko Street, in front of the national stadium – closed for traffic that day – from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Project experts will also be available to provide any additional information you may need.

We are looking forward to seeing you there! Come on foot, by bike, by e-scooter – and do not forget to use the mobile app SofiaCoin that rewards active transport, and turn your kilometers passed into attractive awards.

INNAIR is the only Bulgarian project funded by the EC’s initiative Urban Innovative Actions. It is implemented by a consortium led by Sofia Municipality and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.