SofiaCoin - inspiration for the winners in the hackathon "Improving air quality in Bulgaria"
The first part of the event presented the results of the latest study "Impact of air pollution on the career decisions of highly skilled workers in Sofia", which shows that air quality influences career decisions and is one of the most important non-financial conditions for highly qualified employees. Among the speakers were Teodora Polimerova, Director of the Climate, Energy and Air Directorate at the Sofia Municipality and a member of the INNOAIR team.
The second part of the event, which took the form of a hackathon, involved active citizens who, with the help of mentors, worked on their ideas for cleaner air. They presented a total of nine ideas, ranging from building green roofs and a network of low-cost mobile stations to an AI platform for air pollution forecasting and a mobile application that combines information on air quality, traffic and heating.
The jury evaluated all the projects as very meaningful and despite the difficult decision, identified three of the ideas as the most applicable and significant.
Third is the Garden of Eden in cities, which aims to integrate work on biodiversity and air pollution.
The second prize went to the team that presented the "Sun Blower", which can heat a room round- the-clock, without the need for power and without harmful footprint.
The first prize was awarded to the team with an idea for the application "Green Path" - it is a virtual "path" that branches first to schools, initiating a project "Walk to School" and stimulates with game elements, "green prizes", education and awareness on the problem. The mobile application builds on the existing SofiaCoin, as the idea is to transfer to the national level, to target employees of companies, to initiate competitions between schools and between companies.
We are glad that SofiaCoin inspires and that citizens and experts see potential in the development of the application.